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F5 Command Line Keyboard Shortcuts

It will make your job easier to do actions such as moving the cursor multiple times in the F5 command line, canceling the command, deleting words with shortcuts.

Bash (Advanced Shell) tmsh (tmos) Process
CTRL+A CTRL+A Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
CTRL+B CTRL+B Moves the cursor one character to the left.
CTRL+C CTRL+C Cancels the command.
CTRL+D CTRL+D Deletes the character under the cursor. If the line is empty while in tmsh, it will exit tmsh. While in bash, it exits if the line is empty.
CTRL+E CTRL+E Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
CTRL+F CTRL+F Moves the cursor one character to the right.
CTRL+G Deletes all characters in the line.
Ctrl+H Ctrl+H Deletes the character before the cursor.
Ctrl+J Ctrl+J Executes the command and switches to the new line.
Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Deletes characters from the cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl+L Moves the last line to the top of the screen, clearing the screen.
Ctrl+M Ctrl+M Executes the command and switches to the new line.
Ctrl+N Ctrl+N Shows the next command in the sequence of the command run.
Ctrl+P Ctrl+P Shows the previous command in the run command sequence.
Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Resumes input (write).
Ctrl+R Moves the last line to the top of the screen, clearing the screen.
Ctrl+S Ctrl+S Suspends logging in (writing).
Ctrl+T Ctrl+T Replaces the character under the cursor with the character to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+U Ctrl+U Deletes characters from the beginning of the line to the cursor.
Ctrl+W Ctrl+W Deletes the word before the cursor.
Esc+B Esc+B Moves the cursor one word to the left.
Esc+D Esc+D Deletes characters from the cursor to the end of the word the cursor is in.
Esc+F Esc+F Moves the cursor one word to the right.
Esc+L Esc+L Converts characters from the cursor to the end of the word in which the cursor is located.
Esc+U Esc+U Capitalizes characters from the cursor to the end of the word the cursor is in.
Esc+Backspace Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.

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